SR20 Training Courses

Books and Materials-Links

•   Cirrus SR20 iFOM ($49.99)

•   Cirrus Approach LMS account (free)

•   Cirrus SR20 G6 POH/AFM electronic copy (free)

•   Cirrus SR20 G6 Quick Reference Checklist electronic copy (free)

Specialized Courses

Rental checkout
•   3 hours ground, 10 hours dual

Rated pilots who want to buy a Cirrus but try one first

•   All dual, no solo, PPL minimum, no hours requirement

IFR training and IPCs
• Instrument rating course
• All dual, no solo, PPL minimum, no hours requirement
• Instrument currency and IPC
• All dual, no solo, PPL+IRA minimum, no hours requirement Cross-country time building